Welcome to KitsuCloud!

Welcome to KitsuCloud!
Photo by Fuu J / Unsplash - a water color panting of a Fox.

I never really knew what to do with KitsuCloud; to be quite honest. It was always floating around as something that I might be able to use once I put my mind to it. Then, it clicked. The one thing I don't have, is a way to communicate, long-form, with my users; about a variety of topics. Ranging from Community standards, to moderation, to events going on– I just want to start writing about things.

Well, here it is. KitsuCloud is a place for me to just express my thoughts, opinion, and write about the more controversial policies that Kitsu has, using a platform that I can finally feel happy using.

I've always loved making things for my community, but I also wanted something just for me, and I think this'll be it. Me, and my administrators, as well as some friends who might write posts from time to time.

I don't know how often we'll be using KitsuCloud, or if this will be the final post, but I know that as we continue to write our thoughts out, KitsuClub, KitsuGay, and now KitsuCloud, we'll be able to come together and make something purely magical.

Either way, I look forward to writing for you all.